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Video settings to give you a competitive edge.

By the end of this guide you’ll have Valorant set up perfectly to give you the fastest reaction times possible, the best aiming, and highest clarity to spot opponents.

We’ve spent countless hours researching the best pro players settings and consulted with the top players in the game to make sure he information you’re about to receive is the most up-to-date and as accurate as possible.

Optimize for FPS

FPS stands for frames per second and you can think of it as how frequently you’re being updated with information in the game.

If you only had 30 FPS, the player would not only appear on your screen later, but they would also appear in a more jarring manner, sort of like in flashes.

Compare this to having 300 FPS. The enemy will not only appear much earlier, but once you do see them, they will swing in a much smoother motion, letting you aim and track them closer to real time instead of trying to hit flashing images of them.

So to go into settings simply hit escape and click settings while in the lobby

Video Options

General Section.

Most players want to go with the native resolution of the monitor you have. Mine is 1920x 1080 at a 16:9 aspect ratio, which is pretty much standard and what the majority of you will have.

This is because Valorant will always be locked into a field of view of 103 regardless of your resolution or aspect ratio.. So for the most part, you don’t want to lower your resolution or aspect ratio as it won’t give you the same zoomed in stretched advantage that you may be used to in counter strike.

One other piece of text you’ll notice when I’m selecting my resolution is the 240 Hz in brackets. This represents your monitor’s refresh rate.

Let’s say you had 300 FPS in game, but only had a 60 hz refresh rate on your monitor. Well, your monitor can only update and show you 60 frames per second of those 300 your computer is processing. Basically, a low refresh rate on your monitor can actually bottleneck your reaction time even though you have a high FPS in game.

This is why you want both the highest FPS possible, while also having the highest refresh rate possible.

Additionally, a lot of players will actually have a high refresh rate monitor, but make the super common mistake of not enabling it.

It’s really easy to check this. Simply right click on your desktop, go to display settings, then scrolldown and click Advanced display settings. From here it will show you your monitor’s current refresh rate. To change it select Display adapter properties, click the monitor tab on the new panel that pops up, and you’ll have a dropdown to change your monitors refresh rate.

the Display Mode option, which should always be set to Fullscreen.

I know I know, it’s super annoying since every time you alt tab it minimizes the window, but Fullscreen will give you a big FPS boost since your computer’s processing power will only be focused on the game.

It will also reduce your monitor’s input lag. Input lag is a term used to describe the time it takes an event on the game’s server to appear on your monitor.

You want your input lag to be as low as possible so you have the fastest reactions possible, so make sure you have this set to Fullscreen, not windowed fullscreen or windowed.

Below that you have a bunch of Limit FPS options. These should be turned to off as you don’t want to limit your FPS and instead, as you know by now, want it as high as possible.

Graphics quality tab.

An easy rule of thumb would be to set everything as low as possible to get the highest framerate possible. However, there are some important settings in this section to be aware of that are unique to Valorant.

Multithreaded Rendering

Which you want to be turned on as this is key to getting the maximum FPS possible out of your computer.

Material, Texture, Detail, and. UI quality

You want all of these set to low as there is no competitive benefit to increasing them and it will only lower your FPS.


One of the worst settings to have enabled. It creates a dark border on the edge of your screen, which will give you less spacial awareness while also lowering your FPS.


You always want turned off. VSync matches your FPS to your monitor’s refresh rate and is used to help prevent something called screen tearing. You think this would just be an overall benefit, but VSync is notorious for increasing input lag, worsening your reaction times, so always have this off.


It’ll reduce the jagged edged look of corners and outlines of enemies by creating a kind of blur or softness effect around the edges of objects. You want this turned off to again, maximize your FPS.

Anisotropic Filtering It just increases ground and texture detail at a distance. This you definitely want set to the lowest setting as more detail will not only take a huge hit to your FPS, but also just create more distractions on the screen.

Improve Clarity

It is one of the only settings we recommend you enable. This increases the contract in midtones, which serves to give you a clearer picture. In essence, instead of thing having a washed out brightness, it creates minor shadows or darkness in areas to give contrast. Now, this will tax your FPS so if you’re a lower end machine you may want to disable this, but if you’re on a medium to high end machine definitely enable this as it will help enemies stand out more.

Bloom, Distortion, and First Person Shadows

Bloom will give a sort of bright glow to things, which makes objects harder to track as they become washed out in brightness, while also lowering your framerate so turn it off Distortion will distort things behind orbs, explosions, and some agent abilities. This will make it difficult to spot enemies while lowering your framerate so make sure to turn it off. First Person Shadows does not impact enemy shadows, turning this off will not only increase your framerate, but also reduce the clutter on your screen.

Stats tab

Here, you can turn on stats that will appear in the top left hand corner of your screen while you play. These are best used to diagnose problems and establish benchmarks for your computer. For example, by enabling client FPS we can see what our FPS is in game and whether we’re running into significant FPS drops we should be concerned about.

Alright, so now your in-game settings are optimized for your video and graphics. However, there are still a few optimizations you can do outside of the game.

I guarantee if you follow these settings and tips that you now have an advantage on the majority of opponents you face.

General tab

Enemy Highlight Color By default this will be set to Red, but many players find that Red blends in a bit too much with the rest of the game.. For this reason, a lot of pros are switching this either to Purple or Yellow.

And speaking of helping enemy’s stand out more. A lot of counter strike veterans have been using a little trick to help spot enemies and get kills that a lot of you guys probably don’t know about, and that’s increasing your digital vibrance. Increasing your digital vibrance will make colors richer, brighter, and cleaner, and for most people will make enemies stand out more. The way to increase your digital vibrance depends on if you have a Nvidia or AMD graphic card, but both are very similar

For Nvidia users, simply right click the desktop, select Nvidia control panel, and then select Adjust Desktop Color settings on the side.. From here, you’ll notice a digital vibrance setting which is default set to 50%.. You want to increase this to 100%, or however high works best for you.

For AMD users, you right click on the desktop, then AMD Radeon software.. Then in the search bar at the top, type Display, and click display settings. Then scroll down and you’ll see a Saturation bar, again, increase this to 200 or However high that you feel helps you spot enemies easier. Digital vibrance is one of those secret tricks a lot of the veterans and pros have been using for a long time now to help spot enemies in FPS games so definitely put it to use.

Minimap Settings These are way more important than people realize as the best players are constantly checking it to spot out where enemies are and know when to rotate or where to head on the map. Minimap settings are pretty universal among pro players.

Firstly, they always have it set to Rotate, not fixed.

Minimap size. Having it set to 1 is a good rule of thumb, and then can increase or decrease from there based on your preference.

Minimap zoom on the other hand is much more important as if you increase this to maximum it will actually cut off parts of the minimap, blinding you to those areas. That’s why we recommend not putting this higher than 0.9 to prevent this from happening. Vision cones, which you should definitely have turned on. This is super helpful as it will show you on the minimap the parts of the map your teammates are looking at.
Show Map Region Names which you should have set to Always..

Next, you have Show Mature Content, whichyou want enabled, this way you can access the Show Corpses and Show Blood settings.

For Show Corpses, a lot of pros have this set it Off. By setting it to Off it replaces corpses on the ground with a holographic icon of them. This has a few benefits. The first being it gives you a slight boost to your framerate. The second being that it can help you immediately identify not only where someone died, but which agent it was.

Moving on we have Show Blood, you want this turned On as it will give you a better indication of when you land a headshot as a ton of blood sprays out.

Instability Indicators should be turned on. This makes it so that a small icon will appear in the corner of your screen if you’re having packet loss or connection issues with the server.

Now, for Network buffering, you always want this set to minimum.. This is because increasing it will cause input delay, lowering your reaction to speed. This is meant to be used only for playerswho are having really bad connection issues to the point that things are jittering on their screen, as it helps smooth things out, but at the cost of delays on movement and input.

Show Bullet Tracers you have to have turned On. This will help make it easier to control your own spray since you can see the tracers of your bullets and how you’re missing and can make adjustments based on that.

Show Spectator Count. This is something that appears on the top right corner of your screen when you’re alive and your teammates are dead to show you how many of your teammates are watching you.

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